Have you ever considered investing in stocks but you don't know where to begin? This is the beginning. Ready, Stock, Go! is a power point presentation that offers tips you can implement today to confidently start building a portfolio. This course offers the important factors you need to consider before purchasing stocks. You will learn the differences between Growth and Value stocks; Common and Preferred stocks; Large Cap and Small Cap stocks; and other features of individual stocks.
This course includes a QUIZ!
Course Curriculum
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Hi, I’m Reshell Smith
I am Reshell Smith, a Certified Financial Planner™ professional, former $100 Million Dollar Portfolio Manager, Speaker. Author. and self-proclaimed Teacher. I am passionate about promoting financial literacy and helping individuals turn their pennies into profits. I believe financial literacy is the key to unlocking the treasures that lead to building wealth.
It is a privilege to have you enroll in my courses at She's so Wealthy Academy. Each course was created with passion and my love for promoting financial literacy. My ultimate goal is to help you increase your financial knowledge, make smarter money decisions and simply, "do better."
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better do better"- Maya Angelou